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The purpose of this energy calculator is to help you determine the average electricity consumption of each of your electrical appliances and their contribution to your monthly electricity bill. Also it shows how much electricity / money you can save if old appliance is replaced with Energy Efficient appliance.
Step 1: Fill the Cost of Electricity. Step 2: Fill the quantity for each of the appliances. Step 3: The calculator will display the electricty consumption (in kWh) & electricty saving (in kWh) for each appliance per annum and sunbsquent cost saving. For example: If you are using 1 bulb of 100W for 8 hour a day (200 days in a year), then you should fill in as follows: Cost of Electricity = Rs 7.0 per unit (Assumed)
The calculator shows that your Incandescent Bulb consumes on ..160... kWh per annuam and it contributes Rs .1120.00.. to your annual electricity bill. By replacing the old bulb with Energy Efficient 9 watt LED bulb you can reduce your consumpation up to 145.6 kWh per annum which reduces your electricity bill from Rs 1120.00 to Rs. 100.80
Electricity has become the life line for the growth of our nation. But, there exists a huge gap between its demand and supply in today's scenario. This made us ponder as to what is the most critical and immediate step which shall be adhered, to tide over its adverse repercurssions.